The Promotion Game
Your boss loves your presentation and wants to talk to you! Unfortunately, he also loved another employee's presentation and he’s torn about who to give the promotion to. He’s asked you both into his office to try to figure it all out. “Alright”, he says, “it’s time to play a game.”


Accumulate the most points possible in order to get the raise.


Accumulate the most points possible in order to get the raise.


Understand principles of cooperation and conflict resolution.


Two teams of roughly equal size. One facilitator - we recommend choosing the most senior scout!


The facilitator should read the instructions below, making sure that everyone sees the “Scoring Chart” attached to the instructions below. Once the instructions have been read, play 5 rounds of the game, keeping track of the score. The team with the most points at the end gets the raise!


Understand principles of cooperation and conflict resolution.


Two teams of roughly equal size. One facilitator - we recommend choosing the most senior scout!


The facilitator should read the instructions below, making sure that everyone sees the “Scoring Chart” attached to the instructions below. Once the instructions have been read, play 5 rounds of the game, keeping track of the score. The team with the most points at the end gets the raise!

Running the game

Because this game can be complicated, make sure to read the instructions below thoroughly.

  • Start the game by showing teams the scoring chart. Teams will collectively decide on a vote and then give their vote simultaneously when the facilitator tells them to. Teams vote either 1 or 2 by holding up 1 finger or 2 fingers.
  • Once teams have voted, the facilitator scores them according to the scoring chart attached to these instructions. Teams are then given 1 minute to discuss the next vote before deciding on their vote and voting once more.
  • The game continues for 5 rounds, after which the scores are totaled.
  • Scouts may only communicate with members of their own team, not with the other team.

Scoring Sheet


The following debrief questions are meant to give you an opportunity to discuss with your patrol mates and reflect on the game. You can have one leader ask the discussion questions or you could take turns asking the questions, making sure everyone’s voice is heard.

  • What was frustrating about playing this game? If you could change the rules, how would you do so?
  • If you were able to communicate with the other team, how would you have played differently?
  • Given the strategy you pursued, is that strategy helpful in real-life? What real-life situations can you think of that might involve decision making similar to this game?
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