Four Up
As you are waiting outside of the boss’ office, you find yourself in another strange situation. It seems that the other candidates for the raise are attempting to intimidate you by standing up instead of sitting to wait. You stand up, but then you feel awkward. You sit down, but then you feel out of place. What a strange workplace this is…


Have 4 people standing at the same time for a continuous 60 seconds. If this goal is too easy, you can increase the number to 5 or 6.


Have 4 people standing at the same time for a continuous 60 seconds. If this goal is too easy, you can increase the number to 5 or 6.


Understand principles of cooperation, observation, and critical thinking.


One team of approximately 8-10 people


Sit all team members on the floor in a rough circle.


Understand principles of cooperation, observation, and critical thinking.


One team of approximately 8-10 people


Sit all team members on the floor in a rough circle.

Running the game

The goal of this game is simple. You want to have 4 people standing at any point in time, and to keep 4 people standing for as long a time as possible. The rules are also straightforward.

  • Anyone is invited to stand whenever they want to.
  • A person cannot remain standing for longer than 5 seconds before they must sit down again.

The goal is to have 4 people standing for a continuous period of 1 minute. If you are having trouble tracking time, appoint a timekeeper.

We recommend that your group starts the activity with minimal discussion. If you are finding it difficult to accomplish the goal, take a brief time out to discuss a strategy you might use.


The following debrief questions are meant to give you an opportunity to discuss with your patrol mates and reflect on the game. You can have one leader ask the discussion questions or you could take turns asking the questions, making sure everyone’s voice is heard.

  • What did it take to be successful in this game? What leadership skills were the most important?
  • Was there a turning point in this exercise where it became easier or harder? When was it and why?
  • Did a leader emerge at any point, or did you make decisions as a group? Was everyone’s voice heard as you tried to solve the problem?
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