Diminishing Load
You’ve successfully bargained for your Badenite and are merrily on your way. You’re about a day out from your destination when you suddenly see in front of you a hologram of a tall gray man. “As two scouts you cross, but with two feet you must travel.” Suddenly, the hologram vanishes and a barrier of laser lights appears on the ground.


Have all members of the team cross the open space as quickly as possible.


Have all members of the team cross the open space as quickly as possible.


Practice skills of problem solving, teamwork, cooperation, and trust.


Timekeeping device


Create a starting and finishing line approximately 20-30 feet apart.


Practice skills of problem solving, teamwork, cooperation, and trust.


Timekeeping device


Create a starting and finishing line approximately 20-30 feet apart.

Running the game

Scouts are aiming to travel across an open area as quickly as possible under the following rules:

  • To get to the other area, players must be carried.
  • The scout who carried a person across must be the next player carried.
  • You can use more than one scout to carry, but they must be the next one carried.
  • The last player is the only one who may walk across on their own without being carried.

Scouts have two goals.

  • Cross in the least amount of time.
  • Cross in the fewest number of trips


The following debrief questions are meant to give you an opportunity to discuss with your patrol mates and reflect on the game. You can have one leader ask the discussion questions or you could take turns asking the questions, making sure everyone’s voice is heard.

This activity requires trust between partners as well as a degree of physical cooperation and coordination.

  • What did you learn about trusting your patrol mates from this exercise?
  • Was there a single leader? A number of leaders? How did they become the leader?
  • Did you make a plan before attempting the challenge? How did you hear everyone’s voices and ideas while making a plan?
Other Scouting Trail Activities